Do you remember the famous scene of the Roman leader Maximus Decimus Meridius as he caressed the ears of wheat that turned golden upon returning from a battle in Gaul?
They are probably destined to remain, forever, the best-known ears of wheat in the world after the successful Hollywood film "Gladiator".
A perfect and heavenly scenario, the one long sought after by director Ridley Scott, who in his film chose to begin the masterpiece right in the sweetness of the fascinating Sienese hills located between San Quirico D'Orcia and Pienza.
In terms of duration, the Sienese lands are certainly not the predominant aspect of the film, but in evocative and affective terms they probably are.
In the years in which the film was shot, the Casanova Wellness Center was permanently occupied by that legendary crew, arousing the curiosity of many of our guests.